
High School Juniors & Seniors


Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:30-5:30pm

When: First Wednesday in November to first Wednesday in June.

Where: Southern Jamaica Plain Health Center

640 Centre Street, Jamaica Plain, MA, 02130

Please apply if you are interested in a project that brings together BIPOC youth and white youth to discuss, expose, and address structural racism at its roots. Students who are 16 and in their junior year of high school in September 2024 or older will be considered for this program. Youth are invited to participate in the program for up to two years; however, there is an expectation that during the second year of participation, they will begin to do their own fieldwork and apply what they are learning to be a part of a change effort.

The Model

  • The group is led through personal and practice-based exploration into the theory of racial identity development, internalized privilege and oppression, ancestral connection, and the various levels of racism and how they intersect with other forms of oppression. This is done via racial affinity groups, role playing, somatic practices, healing circles and a number of other activities. During this time, young people learn to self-regulate and attune to each other while unpacking their experiences with racism and integrate the deep work we do together. There is an expectation that participants find their voice in this process and learn to engage one another in safe ways.

    During the second half of the year, the group begins to work on understanding and finding connections with their own family members and unique histories via “ancestor journeying” activities.

  • Being housed in a healthcare setting and with a strong partner in the city’s health department, the Racial Reconciliation and Healing program is well-equipped to increase participants’ understanding of health inequities. Trainings include sessions on the following topics:

    ° An overview of public health, including information on the health equity framework, epidemiology, social determinants, and how to understand research

    ° An explanation of the intersection of racism and health and the biological pathways of stress

    ° Information on the history of race in the United States and race policy

    ° How to use racial justice framing and community organizing as tools for making change

    ° An introduction to the Socratic teaching method, group facilitation and public speaking

Need to Know

  • You need to have legitimate (not drinking, smoking or cutting people off) ways of taking care of yourself. You need to be someone who talks when they are upset.

  • There needs to be a part of you that allows for the possibility that racism has a bigger impact on your life and the world than you currently think it does.

  • There are few programs like this that charge adolescents/young adults emotionally.

  • You come to do this work for yourself, not on behalf of others.

  • You can’t coast in this space; people are going to challenge you. It could happen the first week of work.

  • Part of racial reconciliation work is that you must check in with the Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Dennie Butler-MacKay, and do an assessment of readiness.

    • If you are in a place where you are juggling a lot (housing, school, childcare for siblings, economics, transportation) you need to think about if this program is for you. We’ll be asking about these things.

  • You have to feel, to deal, to reconcile and heal.


Youth will be paid a monthly stipend

Any questions can be directed to:

Abigail Ortiz
Co-Director of Racial Justice and Equity Initiatives

Southern Jamaica Plain Health Center
Phone: (857) 203-1202


Faculty Program & Application